All the best Year 12!


Our year 12 students conducted themselves beautifully at our College Aths Sports, getting into the spirit of the day with their high level of participation and also ‘looking the part’ with their attire. Our Year 12 students have their last day of school on Friday, before undertaking exams shortly. We wish them all the very best for the exam period and hope they have a great day at Jumpz tomorrow, where they will have an end of year celebration.

2015 Athletics Sports

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Well done to everyone who was involved in making our Athletics Sports a huge success again this year. We appreciate the attendance of the many family and friends who were able to make it on the day, as well as all the wonderful ELP-12 students who consistently try their hardest throughout the day.

Thank you to Mr Clyne and all staff for their time and efforts in organising and running the day.

Middle Years Beautification Project

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Our year 7 and 8 students worked with Mr Kidman today to start their Middle Years Beautification Project. Colourful paint, along with black-board paint was applied to 2 of the 4 middle years rooms by the students themselves. Money for this project was sourced by Mr Kidman from the Parents Association, and the final product will be 4 rooms of which the students are extremely proud of.

Great work Middle Years!

Thanks Mr Hocking!

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I wish to thank Mr Adrian Hocking who not only assisted with ‘re-sanding’ the long-jump pits for our upcoming sports day and removing two of our vegetable beds, but also provided a great deal of entertainment (with his tractor) for students at lunchtime today. We really appreciate the assistance of the many parents and community members that volunteer their time to the college, and particularly wish to thank Adrian for his time and efforts today!