Year 9 at Remembrance Day in Mitiamo

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Last Friday, four Year 9 students travelled to the Remembrance Day ceremony in Mitiamo, held by the RSL and East Loddon Historical Society. These four students had been selected to attend because of their excellent work and attitude during the WWI research project the class completed. Three students read stories from the website we created, East Loddon Remembers. Three students also read the poem, Flanders Fields.

This event was a great way to recognise the hard work these students put into their project. It was also a way for them to share the stories of locals who made a difference to our country and community.




Year 4 reading and writing

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Over the last two weeks, the Year 4s have been reading, writing and following procedures to learn about procedural texts. Today, we followed a procedure to see what happens when oil is added to water. We discovered that the oil sits on the top of the water and that “oil and water don’t mix”! We then discussed the effects an oil spill can have on the environment. 

Next, we all followed Casey’s detailed procedure and made our own chatterboxes! We learnt that we have to use our words carefully so that people know what exactly to do. It was tricky but fun.


Year 9 Humanities

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The Year 9 students have been studying biomes (ecosystems) in Geography. In the past week students investigated the key features, threats and conservation efforts in biomes such as tropical rainforests, deserts, tundra and aquatic biomes (coral reefs, Atlantic ocean and river wetlands). Some groups created dioramas and terrariums to use as visual aids to their oral presentations.


Don’t they look fantastic?